On 11. september we had our IPR (Integration Progress Review). First the team leader Alexander Mager and Bastian Klose (responsible person of electronics) had a talk about the current status of our experiment and what we planned to do next. After the visitors Dieter Bischoff and Simon Mawn from ZARM and Alexander Schmidt from DLR-Moraba introduce themselves, we discussed the project status.
So we could report that all prefabricated parts and boards of electronics are ordered and a critical vacuum test is realised. The next time the placement is going to starts and the complete system should going to be tested.
Also the software is as far as complete and tested except the test for the software code with the complete hardware and the communication between software and Rexus-Service module.
The drawings of our mechanics part are delivered to the fabrication. Next we are going to assemble all parts and going to test the function. In addition we are going to make some vacuum, vibration and thermal tests. Currently, the launch campaign has been scheduled for May 2014!